American Section Alumni
Welcome Back!
The Lycée International is a unique place. Whether you were here for one year or your entire school career, you share a special bond with thousands of alumni around the globe, former American Section students, and students from other sections. Because the American Section is part of the Lycée International network, we work with the Lycée International Alumni to develop and maintain an interactive website and searchable database. We also collaborate with them to organize Lycée-wide events, such as the ceremony to honor Edgar Scherer, former Proviseur of the Lycée International, and alumni reunions.
Registered American Section alumni receive our biannual e-newsletter, Alum-Link. They are featured in and receive the Section’s magazine, Compass. Section alumni are invited to an annual reunion during the holiday season in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, as well as periodic get-togethers in the US and Europe. Friends of ASALI, our dynamic US-based alumni board, organizes a series of “Lost and Found” events, informal reunions held concurrently in cities across North America.
Please keep in touch! Register on the Alumni website, sign up for our Facebook page, connect with the Lycée network on LinkedIn, or drop us an email. Let us know if you would like to get involved in Friends of ASALI, or if you have ideas for our magazine.