We have the privilege of working within the context of the Lycée International of Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the flagship BFI (Baccalauréat Français International) school. All students follow the full French curriculum, as defined by the French Ministry of Education, in addition to that of their national section. Students receive a complete bilingual, bicultural and international education.
We teach a dual curriculum which prepares students for the BFI and for top institutions of higher education anywhere in the world.
We employ North American best-practice pedagogy, including student-centered classrooms, individualized reading programs and research projects.
We embolden students to take risks and to challenge themselves to become self-motivated learners.
We encourage students to question and to take an active role in their own learning.
We support students in their pursuit of a wide range of academic activities inside and outside of their American Section classrooms (Summer Scholars Award, the French Concours Général, Breadloaf New England Young Writers Conference, Young Authors Fiction Festival).
We invite guest speakers to deepen the learning experience (Writer-in-Residence, Human Rights Team events, and others).