A Word from the Lower School Principal
The American Section Lower School welcomes children from Pre-K (MS) through fifth grade (CM2). These are the foundation years during which we instill a love of learning and compassion for others. In Lower School, our students learn to read and write, think and discuss, cooperate and share, as well as navigate the establishment we call school.
Language arts is the basis of our program along with a content area specific to each level. The program builds on students’ natural curiosity and desire to learn while they grow familiar with the rhythms and responsibilities of school life. Character education permeates the entire Lower School experience. American culture and holiday celebrations are sprinkled throughout the school year.
Lower School students, depending on their grade level and space availability, can be interne or externé at the Lycée campus or join our classes full-time on our satellite campus, the Ecole Schnapper. No matter where your child attends the American Section, you can be certain that they will love their teacher and the exciting curriculum we offer. These options are explained further in the Section's Campus Assignment Policy.
The American Section Lower School holds Art and Library classes each week for all our students. We also offer extracurricular activities on Wednesday afternoons including theater, community service, Lego robotics, and Irish ceili dancing.
Being a part of the American Section, no matter if you are intern, extern, or on the Schnapper campus, your child will always feel that special, warm American Section feeling in our classrooms.
Beccy Haugen
Lower School Principal