Lower School

The American Section Lower School begins instruction with Pre-K (MS) and continues through fifth grade (CM2). The program consists of two half days per week, on a designated morning and afternoon. Students study in French and follow the French national education curriculum the rest of the week. Regular parent involvement with homework is necessary.

Beyond language and literature coursework, Lower School students receive instruction in:

  • science in second and third grades (CE1 & CE2)
  • geography in fourth grade (CM1)
  • American history in fifth grade (CM2)

All Lower School students have library and art classes beginning in first grade (CP). American Section students in third to fifth grades (CE2/CM1/CM2) may participate in a variety of extracurricular activities.

Pre-K & Kindergarten (Moyenne & Grande Section)

All Pre-K (MS) students are externés, meaning that they attend their local French school alongside the American Section classes. There is no Pre-K French class at the Lycée International. All students must be enrolled in a French school to ensure the best possible initiation into bilingual education. Most Kindergarten students are also externés.

First to Fifth Grades (CPCM2)

There are three enrollment options for Lower School students:

  • Externé students attend their local French school and come to the Lycée International twice a week for American Section class
  • Full-time at the Lycée International campus
    Please note that there is no cafeteria lunch program for Kindergarten (GS) on the Lycée International campus. Students have the option of going home for lunch or bringing a packed lunch to school and participating in the Lunchbox program, which is run by the parents whose children participate.
  • Full-time at the Ecole Schnapper campus

The decision whether a child is enrolled full-time at the Lycée or Schnapper campus, or in the externé program, is based on multiple criteria that include space availability, student profile, and parental preference.



Lower School Academics

The American Section Lower School welcomes children from Pre-Kindergarten (MS) through Fifth Grade (CM2). Language arts is the basis of our program along with a content area specific to each level. The program builds on students’ natural curiosity and desire to learn while they grow familiar with the rhythms and responsibilities of school life.